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Green New Deal

You might have heard of the Green New Deal.  A couple different forms from the US to the EU.  What is different is that our Green New Deal actually looks at being green.


What separates our green new deal from the others is that we are not leaving citizens in a province worse off.


BC is a semi-autonomous province in the developed country of Canada.  Canadians should have stable power that is available 24/7, 365 days a year.  No rolling blackouts or worrying of a blackout.

One of our ideals is to keep it simple.  Ask what the problem is, all options will be thoroughly investigated and released to the people to keep them informed.  The people must be informed exactly how each options is created, maintained, and disposed.

No grand plans, that will get you in trouble.  Look at the problem and work to find a solution.  We can live in a balance world of technology and the environment.

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